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Ms. Ma Lu, CEO, Guangxi Sunway Forest Products Industry Co. Ltd

 From the perspective of sustainable forest development and enterprise development, and the green products provided by the forestry industry, we hope that the public can reach a consensus that the forestry industry plays a very important role in sustainable development.

◆ Timber legality and sustainability is the challenge we have been facing, but we have to embrace the challenge, embrace the future, embrace green development, and embrace sustainable development. Sunway took the lead in carrying out FSC and other certifications, and the certification cost for 100,000 mu of eucalyptus plantations is very high. Sunway is subject to high certification and maintainance fees, from product certification to forest certification. We hope to have an internationally recognized, efficient, and economic method to certify timber source.

◆ Sunway Group owns 100,000 mu of eucalyptus forests. So far, the biggest challenge we have faced was the public suspicion. Firstly, the public believe that forestry industry drives deforestation; secondly, they think eucalyptus plantations reduced the diversity of forest. However, a series of data supports that the development model Sunway applies is the most suitable way for the mountain farmers in southern China to get rid of poverty and become wealthy. Through the large-scale construction of plantation forests, the annual timber production reached 30 million cubic meters, lifting 100,000 farmers out of poverty. The forest coverage rate has increased from 70% to 81%. The plantations provide Guangxi province 42 million cubic meters of wood-based panels, and help to achieve an annual net increase of timber stocking volume of 20 million cubic meters.

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