GGSC Network
GGSC Think Tank
Mr. Chen Danan, Assistant President, Power Dekor Group Co., Ltd

◆ The global green supply chain for forest products requires the participation and promotion of governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society organizations and institutions in all relevant countries, to make joint efforts towards an practical and executable direction, and promote mutual recognition among different countries and various certification bodies. As an enterprise, it is very desirable to see mutual recognition worldwide, whether it is mutual recognition or mutual promotion between governments, institutions and organizations, so that private sectors have a clearer goal, from supplying country, supplier, producing country, producer, and consuming country and consumer. Together, we can promote the achievement of climate change mitigation as well as forests and environment protection.

◆ Establish a whitelist system to allow more outstanding companies to take the lead in achieving higher standards of legal compliance and sustainable development. From the perspective of the enterprise, it can reduce legal risks, and enhance the market assess standards and requirements.

◆ As an enterprise, Power Dekor Group has been adhering to the concepts of green supply, green consumption and green manufacturing. Our goal is consistent with the GGSC. We hope to have a simple, clear, pratical and executable solutions and methods, such as a whitelisting or mutual recognition. Let us take the first step here today, from sharing the same concept to becoming a member company of GGSC, I believe, together we will push this mission forward, by sharing the common responsibility and objective of GGSC. In the future, more companies will join GGSC, and I believe that our green concept and green supply chain will definitely receive broader recognition, to make greater contribution to a global green supply chain for forest products.

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