GTI Report
GTI-Producers Report
GTI-Producers Report - January 2025

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In January 2025, the GTI-Producers registered 39.8% and had stayed below the critical value (50%) for nine consecutive months, indicating a continued downturn for the overall prosperity of the timber harvesting and primary processing industries in the pilot producing countries. Specifically, Ghana's timber sector showed a notable improvement compared to the previous month, while the GTI comprehensive indexes for other countries were in the contraction territory. This month, the global timber market was still weak, with both supply and demand sides of the producing countries showing lackluster performance.

In Asia, the GTIs for Thailand and Malaysia registered 49.0% and 20.1%, respectively. Following two months of expansion, the overall performance of Thailand's timber sector fell into the contraction territory this month, while the GTI for Malaysia had stayed below the critical value for several months, and this month, holiday was one of the factors that contributed to the decline of its timber sector. On the supply side, Malaysia's harvesting and production had not shown improvement yet. Thailand’s harvesting volume continued to decline, with GTI-Thailand enterprises reporting insufficient supply of logs like eucalyptus, however, the production volume in the country continued to rise. In terms of demand, the new orders for Malaysia continued to decline. Thailand's export market had shown growth for three consecutive months, but due to factors such as the downturn in its real estate industry, the domestic timber market demand was slightly weak in January.

In Africa, the GTI indexes for Ghana, Republic of the Congo (ROC), and Gabon were at 68.2%, 41.9%, and 32.4%, respectively. This month, the harvesting volume in all the three countries declined compared to the previous month. In terms of production, Ghana saw a significant increase in timber production, while ROC and Gabon continued to see downward trend. Enterprises in ROC reported insufficient fuel supply for production, while those in Gabon reported a lack of log supply and rising raw material prices, all affecting production activities of enterprises. On the demand side, both Gabon and Ghana saw weak demand at home and abroad. In ROC, the domestic market contracted slightly, but international market demand was relatively stable.

In Latin America, the GTI indexes for Brazil and Mexico registered 34.9% and 37.1%, respectively, all in the contraction territory. The Brazil's index fell below the critical value this month, with declines across harvesting, production and demand. According to feedback from Brazil, holidays in January caused a slowdown in production, and moreover, January is a traditional slack season for the market in the country. In Mexico, timber harvesting and production continued to decline. Due to factors like rainfall, many enterprises in the country reported insufficient supply of raw materials, and they suggested promoting sustainable and high-quality raw material supply through investing in road improvement, acquiring transport equipment, and carrying out activities for the care of forests. On the demand side, Mexico's domestic timber market contracted, but the export market remained stable for two consecutive months.

GTI-Producers Report - January 2025.pdf

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